808AB-X2蓄电池中盖胶 粘接封装胶水 槽盖粘接密封胶环氧树脂epoxy AB胶
外 观 透明液体
比 重 1.15±0.05
粘度(25℃) 1500-2500cps
贮 存 期 限 6个月
外 观 褐色液体
比 重 1.05±0.05
粘度(25℃) 70-150cps
贮 存 期 限 6个月
配 比: A :B = 2 :1 (重量比)
可使用时间: 25℃×30-40分钟(100g混合量)
固化 条件: 常温6-8小时或80℃×1小时完全固化,初固2-3小时
耐电压 Kv/mm 18-22
热变形温度 ℃ 120
硬度 shore D 85
绝缘电阻 Ω-cm 1.0×1015
808a / b-x2 is a two dosage epoxy resin insulating material, which is mainly used for the bonding and sealing of lead-acid maintenance free battery cover (middle cover) and other similar products (electronic components, lighting, etc.) to protect the insulation, moisture-proof sealing, etc.; after mixing, it has low viscosity, proper operation time, and is easy to produce; after curing, it has good adhesion, heat resistance and chemical resistance The products have excellent performance, acid resistance, moisture-proof, water-proof, oil-proof, dust-proof, heat and humidity resistance, air aging resistance, etc.; the solidified products have good insulation, compression resistance, bonding strength, and excellent electrical properties and physical properties.
环氧树脂胶,电子灌封胶,结构胶,单组份环氧树脂胶,环氧AB胶,弹性单组份环氧胶,密封胶,中柱胶,光电胶,防水胶,UV胶,无影胶,导电/导磁/耐高温/阻燃环氧胶,胶粘剂定制,快干胶,水晶胶,邦定胶,电子胶水,红胶,黑胶,白胶,磁芯胶,SMT红胶,底填胶,低温快固化环氧,包封胶,胶粘剂,胶黏剂,UL胶水;联络人:王先生 电话:13712306987 (微信号同)E-mail:huacxc@163.com 或 hc@huacxc.com 网址:http://www.hcglue.com 。