H907-CU导电铜胶 环氧树脂导电胶电路修补替代焊锡 低电阻率高强度
外观 - 铜色
粘度 25℃ 15000-3000
完全固化时间 120℃ 60min
导热率 1.5W/m.k
硬度 shore D 87
体积电阻率 Ω- 1cm 小于10
抗拉强度 kg/mm2 5.1
接着强度 铁---铁 85-95kg/cm2
Dongguan Huachuang / Huachuang materials - started in 1999, professional adhesive R & D and production enterprises! Focus on the R & D and production of epoxy resin adhesive, electronic potting adhesive, structural adhesive, epoxy AB adhesive, single component epoxy adhesive, UV adhesive, shadowless adhesive, light curing adhesive, elastic epoxy adhesive, flexible epoxy, bonding adhesive, sealant, crystal adhesive, conductive adhesive, magnetic conductive adhesive, heat conductive adhesive, high temperature resistant adhesive, magnetic core adhesive, transformer adhesive, inductive adhesive, quick drying adhesive, electronic adhesive
环氧树脂胶,电子灌封胶,结构胶,单组份环氧树脂胶,环氧AB胶,弹性单组份环氧胶,密封胶,中柱胶,光电胶,防水胶,UV胶,无影胶,导电/导磁/耐高温/阻燃环氧胶,胶粘剂定制,快干胶,水晶胶,邦定胶,电子胶水,红胶,黑胶,白胶,磁芯胶,SMT红胶,底填胶,低温快固化环氧,包封胶,胶粘剂,胶黏剂,UL胶水;联络人:王先生 电话:13712306987 (微信号同)E-mail:huacxc@163.com 或 hc@huacxc.com 网址:http://www.hcglue.com 。